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Selasa, 27 September 2011

Flash Drawing :"INTRODUCTION"

The drawing tools in Flash let you create and modify shapes for the artwork in your movies. For an interactive introduction to drawing in Flash, choose Help > Lessons > Drawing in your Flash program.
The tools for painting are kept in the "Tools" bar, usually positioned at the left top of your Flash Screen.
On the following pages we will guide you through the use of each of these tools, starting with the simplest.

But before going through the different tools, we will look at the way Flash handle drawings.

The most important thing to understand is the distinction between outlines and fills.

When you draw a line there is no fill - only the outline.

When you draw a rectangle (or a circle) you actually draw two things: The outline (border) and the fill. Unlike most other programs, Flash doesn't automatically combine these two into one object.

flash basic tutorial

In Flash, you can control the animations. For example, you can make the animation stop and wait for the user to click a button. And when the animation starts again it can be dependant on which button was clicked.


Macromedia Flash Tutorials

Flash Animating a walk cycle Tutorial : 

Making a walk cycle can be one of the most challenging things you do in animation. Their are so many events going on at the same time and it only takes one small mistake to ruin the entire scene. However this daunting task can be simplified into 3 simple steps, which if done correctly can simplify the entire process.

1. Poses

The first step that you will need to master can be described by four distinct poses: Contact, Recoil,Passing and High Point.

These four poses are the key stones of a walk cycle and the single most important pose out of the four is the contact pose.

This single pose will make or break your walk cycle. If you mess up on this pose it may be very difficult to correct later, if not impossible. Therefore pay close attention to how you draw your contact pose and in the process save your self a lot of heartache.
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